In 2020 Study Florida, FAIE, and FCIE joined together to put on a virtual conference around the theme of "Re-inventing International Education in a Post-COVID World".

Below is an overview of the session I presented in collaboration with Mia Čančarević (Manager, International Student Recruitment at Valencia College).

<aside> 💡 Social media has changed the way we communicate – the importance of social media has amplified during the pandemic as more people have turned to social media to feel connected to others while social distancing. This presentation will give an overview of how the use of social media evolved during the pandemic at Valencia College. Presenters will highlight best practices to improve existing use of social media or develop a new social media strategy. At the end of this session, participants will understand the importance of embracing the opportunities and benefits that social media can bring as a recruitment tool. Participants will have tools to evaluate their use of social media for international student recruitment and understand how to make improvements based upon defined goals.


PowerPoint used during the virtual conference

PowerPoint used during the virtual conference